As one of Western Canada’s largest sellers of private whisky casks, we safeguard your legacy.

Our mission is to hold onto your story, waiting for the moment your whisky is ready to be shared and celebrated.

We’ll guide you through the journey of the spirits, from the history and its origins, to the bottling where we unveil your whisky and narrative, one cask at a time.

Our Warehouse

We find the best spirits worldwide. Our global partnerships provide top-quality spirits to age in our Western Canada warehouses.

By aligning our production process with our partnerships, we ensure that the unique characters of their whiskies shine through, influenced only by Western Canada’s natural environment and the wood that cradles them.

Our warehouses, situated at sea level and exposed to the natural elements of Western Canada's four distinct seasons, provide the ideal conditions for our whiskies to mature.

With a combination of traditional racking and modern palletization, our whiskies will slumber for at least five years, developing the rich flavors and complex profiles that our brand is recognized for.

As a cask owner, you’ll have a unique opportunity to shape your whisky’s flavour profile. This includes a selection of spirits from international regions with distinct characteristics combined with a selection of casks (ex-bourbon casks, ex-fortified port/sherry casks and wine casks) that are building blocks for your final whisky.

Our Research

Exploring Wood Maturation: Environmental Impact + Oenological Analysis

Wood Maturation of Global Whisk(e)y Spirits | 49ºN Latitude, Western Canada | Oceanic, Temperate Rainforest, Subtropical Mediterranean Climate

The wood maturation research will delve into the effects of aging casks in a setting different from their environmental origins. Utilizing new make spirit (NMS) or young spirit from around the world, aged in Western Canada along the Pacific Ocean (characterized by an oceanic climate with summers similar to the Mediterranean - aka subtropical Mediterranean climate). 

The aim is to showcase variations through both empirical data and sensory evaluation, enabling observers/consumers to visually perceive and taste the distinctions (a compare and contrast). Something that we are cognizant of but not had the data to support.

Our warehouse and cask policy is to mimic our distillery partner’s cask placement format to minimize variables and ensure consistency. By controlling this variable, we can ensure the differences in our whisky will come from its environment, allowing us to showcase the unique profiles of Western Canada while maintaining the highest quality standards. Concurrently, a sister cask will exist at our distillery partner’s warehouse to be released after five years for comparison and contrast analysis.